TIME: Almanac 1995
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Compact ALMANAC--CIA Factbook
Northern Africa
<source>CIA World Factbook</source>
<p> The Republic of Djibouti, which gained its independence on
June 27, 1977, is the successor to the French Territory of the
Afars and Issas, which was created as a result of French
interest in the Horn of Africa and dates back to the first half
of the 19th century.
<p> Rochet d'Hericourt's exploration into Shoa (1839-42) marked
the beginning of French interest in the African shores of the
Red Sea. Further observations by Henri Lambert, French Consular
Agent at Aden, and Captain Fleuriot de Langle led to a treaty
of friendship and assistance between France and the sultans of
Raheita, Tadjourah, and Gobaad, from whom the French purchased
the anchorage of Obock.
<p> Growing French interest in the area took place against a
backdrop of British activity in Egypt and the opening of the
Suez Canal in 1869. In l884-85, France expanded its protectorate
to include the shores of the Gulf of Tadjourah and the
hinterland, designating the area French Somaliland. Boundaries
of the protectorate, marked out in 1897 by France and Emperor
Menelik II of Ethiopia, were affirmed further by agreements with
Emperor Haile Selassie I in 1945 and 1954.
<p> The administrative capital was moved from Obock to Djibouti
in l896. Djibouti, which has a good natural harbor and ready
access to the Ethiopian highlands, attracted trade caravans
crossing East Africa as well as Somali settlers from the south.
The Franco-Ethiopian railway, linking Djibouti the heart of
Ethiopia, was begun in 1897 and reached Addis Ababa in 1917,
further facilitating the increase of trade.
<p> During the Italian invasion and occupation of Ethiopia in
the 1930s and during World War II, constant border skirmishes
occurred between French and Italian forces. From the fall of
France until 1942, the area was ruled by the Vichy (French)
government. In December 1942, French Somaliland forces broke a
Vichy blockade to join the Free French and the Allied forces.
A local battalion from Djibouti participated in the liberation
of France.
<p> On July 22, 1957, the colony was reorganized to give the
people a considerable degree of self-government. On the same
day, a decree, applying the Overseas Reform Act (Loi Cadre) of
June 23, 1956, established a Territorial Assembly that elected
eight of its members to an Executive Council. Members of the
Executive Council were responsible for one or more of the
territorial services and carried the title of minister. The
council advised the French-appointed governor general.
<p> In a September 1958 constitutional referendum. French
Somaliland opted to join the French community as an overseas
territory. As a result, it was entitled to representation by one
deputy and one senator in the French Parliament and one
counselor in the French Union Assembly. Upon the demise of the
assembly, the territory was assigned a seat on the Economic and
Social Council.
<p> On November 23, 1958 the first elections to the Territorial
Assembly were held under a system of proportional
representation. In the next assembly elections in 1963, a new
electoral law, enacted by the French National Assembly,
abolished proportional representation in favor of a system of
a straight plurality vote based on political lists submitted in
seven designated districts by political parties. Ali Aref
Bourhan, an Afar, was selected to be president of the executive
<p> French President Charles de Gaulle's August 1966 visit to
Djibouti was marked by 2 days of public demonstrations by
Somalis demanding independence. On September 21, 1966, Louis
Saget, appointed governor general of the territory after the
demonstrations, announced that the French Government had
decided to hold a referendum to determine whether the people
wished to remain within the French Republic or become
independent. In a March 1967 referendum, 60% chose to continue
the territory's association with France.
<p> A July 1967 directive from Paris formally changed the name
of the territory from French Somaliland to the French Territory
of Afars and Issas. The directive also reorganized the
governmental structure of the territory, making the senior
French representative formerly the governor general, a high
commissioner. The Executive Council also was redesignated as the
Council of Government, with nine members.
<p> In 1975, the French Government began to accommodate
increasingly insistent demands for independence. In June 1976
the territory's citizenship law which had favored the Afar
minority, was revised to reflect more closely the weight of the
Issa Somali. In a May 1977 referendum, the electorate voted for
independence, and the Republic of Djibouti was inaugurated on
June 27, 1977.
<p>Current Political Conditions
<p> In January 1981, the National Assembly passed nine articles
of a constitution and elected Hassan Gouled as the first
president under the new constitution. Preindependence laws and
decrees remain in effect, except where specifically amended.
<p> On April 24, 1987, President Gouled was re-elected,
unopposed, to a second and final 6-year mandate with 89.88% of
the vote. On the same day, the unopposed 65-member National
Assembly list was elected with 87.42%.
<p> Since l98l, one political party has existed, the
Rassemblement Populaire Pour le Progres (RPP); other parties
were outlawed that year following political disorders. Political
power is shared by a Somali president and an Afar prime minister
with cabinet posts roughly divided. However, political
competition between the minority Afars and the majority Somali
Issas, who dominate the government, civil service, armed forces,
and the single party, has led to two cabinet crises and changes
of prime minister since independence.
<p> Women in Djibouti enjoy a higher public status than in some
other Islamic countries, but women's rights and family planning
are not high priorities. No women are in senior government or
party positions, but a fledgling women's organization is active.
<p> In Djibouti, the right to own property is respected, as is
freedom of religion and organization of labor. The government
has established a national union under its control.
<p> Djibouti has its own armed forces, including a small army;
however the country's security also is assured by the continued
presence of some 4,000 French troops, which includes a unit of
the French Foreign Legion.
<p>Source: U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Public Affairs,
February 1988.